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Tuesday, November 21. 2023, 07:48:06 AM UTC

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Monday, November 21, 2011

The trial begins of the three most senior surviving members of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge regime, on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity. //www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-15814519 (BBC)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eurozone countries agree to a rescue package for the Republic of Ireland from the European Financial Stability Facility in response to the country's financial crisis..
Irish financial crisis
Russia hosts the International Tiger Forum summit meeting of international wildlife experts and officials from 13 countries in St.Petersburg, to discuss the protection of tigers which could become extinct in 12 years if unprotected. //www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jzKWRNifFmP0qjv9lbY-uyrBb2vA?docId=007fd7c5fb1549a59361cd475e58de91 (AP via Google News) //en.rian.ru/russia/20101121/161430332.html (RIA Novosti) //www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jzKWRNifFmP0qjv9lbY-uyrBb2vA?docId=007fd7c5fb1549a59361cd475e58de91 (AP via Google News) //www.voanews.com/english/news/World-Leaders-Hold-Summit-to-Save-Tiger-109661334.html (Voice of America)

Friday, November 21, 2008

The 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver may be facing challenges as several corporate sponsors may stop financing the Olympics due to the crisis. The Russian government announces it will review spending on the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, saying it had set a target of saving some money. International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge says there is no issue of financing for the coming three Games: the 2010 Olympics, the 2012 Summer Games in London, and the 2014 Winter Games however, the organizers may need to hold down the size of the Games to cope with the global financial downturn. //www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20081122.wIOC22/BNStory/National/?page=rssid=RTGAM.20081122.wIOC22 (The Globe and Mail) //www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2008/nov/22/architecture-russia-norman-foster-tower (The Guardian) //www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/olympics/london_2012/article5003605.ece (The Times)
Construction of several skyscraper buildings in Russia (Norman Foster's Russia Tower, Gazprom's Okhta Center) are canceled due to lack of credit available during the global financial crisis. //www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2008/nov/22/architecture-russia-norman-foster-tower (The Guardian)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Researchers in Kyoto, San Francisco, and Wisconsin publish evidence of turning human skin cells into stem cells by the retroviral insertion of genes. //www.nytimes.com/2007/11/21/science/21stem.html?ex=1353301200en=c0030511edc97dbfei=5088partner=rssnytemc=rss (NYT)
The United Nations General Assembly approves Resolution 62/9, stating that the emergency phase in Chernobyl is over, and the recovery phase should start. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7105273.stm (BBC)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

American actor and comedian Michael Richards, best known for playing character Cosmo Kramer, apologizes on the nation's "The Late Show" this morning after referring to two African Americans as niggers at a Los Angeles area comedy club. //www.newsday.com/entertainment/am-kramer1121,0,5594694.story?coll=ny-entertainment-headlines (Newsday)

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Ukrainian presidential election, 2004: Viktor Yanukovych is declared the winner in the final round. International election observers express severe criticism, and large crowds gather in a protest rally in Kiev 12 days later, the Supreme Court annuls the result, and a new poll is scheduled.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

At the NATO Summit in Prague, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia are invited to join the organization.

Sunday, November 21, 1999

The film "The Wizard of Oz" begins its run on cable TV, which continues to this day. On cable it is telecast several times a year, like most other films, rather than being shown only once annually.

Thursday, November 21, 1991

Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury dies from pneumonia induced by AIDS.
KISS drummer Eric Carr dies from complications of heart cancer.

Tuesday, November 21, 1989

The Members of the Constituent Assembly of Namibia begin to draft the Constitution of Namibia, which will be the constitution of the newly independent Namibia.

Friday, November 21, 1986

Iran-Contra Affair: National Security Council member Oliver North and his secretary, Fawn Hall, start shredding documents implicating them in selling weapons to Iran and channeling the proceeds to help fund the Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

Wednesday, November 21, 1979

After false radio reports from the Ayatollah Khomeini that the Americans had occupied the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the United States Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan is attacked by a mob and set afire, killing 4 (see Foreign relations of Pakistan).

Thursday, November 21, 1974

In Birmingham, England, 2 pubs are bombed, killing 21 people (the Birmingham Six are later sentenced to life in prison for this).

Wednesday, November 21, 1973

U.S. President Richard Nixon's attorney, J. Fred Buzhardt, reveals the existence of an 18½-minute gap in one of the White House tape recordings related to Watergate.

Tuesday, November 21, 1967

Vietnam War: United States General William Westmoreland tells news reporters: I am absolutely certain that whereas in 1965 the enemy was winning, today he is certainly losing.

Monday, November 21, 1966

In Togo, the army crushes an attempted coup.

Sunday, November 21, 1965

UNDP established as a specialized agency of the United Nations.
Bob Dylan weds Sara Lowndes.
Mireille Mathieu sings on France's Télé-Dimanche and begins her successful singing career (Dimanche is French for Sunday).
"Man of La Mancha" opens in a Greenwich Village theatre in New York and eventually becomes one of the greatest musical hits of all time, winning a Tony Award for its star, Richard Kiley.

Friday, November 21, 1952

A show trial in Czechoslovakia sentences 11 ex-communist officials (all of them Jews) to death.

Friday, November 21, 1947

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment begins in Havana, Cuba. This conference ends in 1948, when its members finish the Havana Charter.

Saturday, November 21, 1942

The completion of the Alaska Highway (also known as the Alcan Highway) is celebrated (however, the highway is not usable by general vehicles until 1943).

Friday, November 21, 1941

The radio program "King Biscuit Time" is broadcast for the first time (it later becomes the longest running daily radio broadcast in history and the most famous live blues radio program).

Monday, November 21, 1927

December ndash Communist Party congress condemns all "deviation from the general party line" in the USSR.
The Colorado state police open fire on 500 rowdy but unarmed miners during a strike, killing six of them.

Friday, November 21, 1924

Ali Fethi Okyar forms new government in Turkey. (3rd government)

Tuesday, November 21, 1922

Rebecca Felton of Georgia takes the oath of office, becoming the first woman United States Senator.

Sunday, November 21, 1920

Bloody Sunday: British forces open fire on spectators and players during a football match in Dublin's Croke Park, killing 14 Irish civilians. This follows the assassinations of 12 British agents by the IRA in an earlier attack elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 21, 1916

The White Star Liner "HMHS Britannic", sister ship of the "RMS Olympic" and the legendary "RMS Titanic", sinks in the Mediterranean Sea after hitting a mine. 30 lives are lost.

Saturday, November 21, 1914

In New Haven CT, the new Yale Bowl officially opens Harvard defeats Yale 36-0 in the first football game held there.

Friday, November 21, 1890

Edward King, Anglican bishop of Lincoln, is convicted of using ritualistic practices.

Thursday, November 21, 1889

Gustav Mahler's First Symphony premieres.

Thursday, November 21, 1878

The Buchan School, Isle of Man.
Everton Football Club, formed as St Domingo.
10-year Nauruan Tribal War breaks out.
Grimsby Town FC, formed as Grimsby Pelham.
Lester Allan Pelton produces the first operational Pelton wheel.
The Johns Hopkins University Press, America's oldest university press.
Ipswich Town Football Club, formed as amateur club Ipswich A.F.C. They will not turn professional until 1936.
U.S. arbitration rejects Argentine claims to Paraguay's part of the Chaco region.
The following English Association football clubs:
The Second Afghan War commences when the British attack Ali Masjid in the Khyber Pass.
Death of last confirmed Cape Lion.
Geiger (Corporation), formed as Geiger Brothers.
Otto von Bismarck abandons his "Kulturkf" and forces through legislation outlawing the Social Democrats.
Yellow fever in the Mississippi Valley kills over 13,000.
Newton Heath Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Football Club, the team that will become Manchester United.

Wednesday, November 21, 1877

Thomas Edison announces his invention of the phonograph, a machine that can record sound, considered Edison's first great invention. Edison demonstrates the device for the first time on November 29.

Thursday, November 21, 1861

American Civil War: Confederate President Jefferson Davis appoints Judah Benjamin Secretary of War.

Friday, November 21, 1856

Wednesday, November 21, 1855

Large-scale Bleeding Kansas violence begins with events leading to the "Wakarusa War" between antislavery and proslavery forces.

Sunday, November 21, 1852

December ndash The Western Railroad is chartered to build a rail line from Fayetteville, North Carolina to the coal fields of Egypt, North Carolina.//www.historync.org/railroad-WRR.htm CommunicationSolutions/ISI, Railroad — Western Railroad Company, "North Carolina Business History", 2006, accessed 1 Feb 2010
November 22 ndash The New French Empire is confirmed by plebiscite: 7,824,000 "for", 253,000 "against".

Wednesday, November 21, 1832

Wabash College, a small, private, liberal arts college for men, is founded.

Sunday, November 21, 1813

An independent government is restored in the Netherlands.

Saturday, November 21, 1789

North Carolina ratifies the United States Constitution and becomes the 12th U.S. state.

Friday, November 21, 1783

In Paris, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier and François Laurent, marquis d'Arlandes, make the first untethered hot air balloon flight (flight time: 25 minutes, Maximum height: 900 m).
In Paris, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier and François Laurent, marquis d'Arlandes, make the first untethered hot air balloon flight (flight time: 25 minutes, Maximum height: 900 m).

Wednesday, November 21, 1759

Battle of Maxen: The Austrian army of Marshal von Daun cuts off and forces the surrender of a Prussian force under Friedrich von Finck.

Saturday, November 21, 1739

Ecuador becomes a part of New Granada.
The British capture the South American silver exporting town of Portobelo from the Spanish.
The first Bible in Estonian is published.
84,000 farmers revolt in the province of Iwaki.

Friday, November 21, 1727

The Netherlands signs the Treaty of Seville.

Wednesday, November 21, 1696

John Vanbrugh's "Relapse or Virtue in Danger" premieres in London.

Monday, November 14, 1272 (Julianian calendar)

The Worshipful Company of Cordwainers receives the right to regulate the leather trade in London, England.
Edward I becomes King of England.
The first recorded reference is made to the game of cricket.
In astronomy, the recording of the Alfonsine tables is completed.
King Alphonso III of Portugal eliminates the last Moorish community in Portugal at Faro.

Wednesday, November 20, 496 (Julianian calendar)

Gelasius I dies after a 4-year reign and is succeeded by the Rome-born Anastasius II as the 50th pope.

Saturday, November 21, 235

Origen makes revisions to the Septuagint.
Pope Anterus succeeds Pontian as the nineteenth pope.
Source: Wikipedia